(: you will find treasure if you smile

Tuesday, August 28

I've been member of friendster since aug 2004. Cool!(im an it geek at such a young age, wow! -_-)
Training is kinda fun + confusing .

Fun cause not much running (= IT was raining super heavy in the morning. How I wish can sleep in that time :( But have to foorce myself to wake up and rushed to training . ;/

Then lessons were fine. Ms Soh say I very nice . HAHA.
I seriously wonder if tchers spy on their pupils blogs and stuffs .

Actually today kinda boring and kinda mundane.

But sitting beside sof make me laugh like shit . And then we will end up fighting , -_-

Tommrw is IPW and we suppose to bring materials that we hav for some presentation shit?
What theeee banana!

How to pass IPW or is there a grade for IPW ?
I hope not so , cause I have no banana idea what EXACTLY we suppose do.

Should I take geog/history
Should I take chem/bio or chem/phy
And is A MATHS really that difficlt?

I think I am rethinking my options for sec 3 cause now geography is NOT that bad and I think I kinda like it (=

But I cant really make up my mind.



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